Category Archives: Toronto

CCT’s Now and Then on Queen & Ossington, Toronto

Here’s a relatively dull image of the foot of Ossington Avenue at Queen Street West. You might recognize that some of the buildings still remain (even in part). Though it is now becoming the gateway to a great dining strip, it certainly pales in comparison to the charm it once had.

CCT-Queen-Ossington-TorontoOnce called Dundas Road, Ossington served the community of workers from the many local factories as well as the Provincial Lunatic Asylum. Today, sounding more like a night-club than a hospital, the Provincial Lunatic Asylum which once sat on the south side of Queen Street West is now called the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH). While the original parameter wall still stands on Shaw St. and along the rear wall as well as some of the grounds buildings, there is nothing left of the original building. Though the new buildings of CAMH are utilitarian and dull compares to the once-majestic (on somewhat ominous) Provincial Lunatic, what we’ve lost in it’s beauty of architecture, we’ve gained in social understanding and tolerance.


This view is from Queen circa 1909 showing the original clock tower of the original Dundas Road fire hall. Seen also is a Toronto Railway Company streetcar travelling south. In 1921 the TRC joined with the Toronto Civic Railways to become the Toronto Transit Commission, or TTC.

At this time Ossington Avenue was called Dundas Road. When the Toronto city limits only reached as far west as Bathurst Street, Dundas Street West ended there at it’s far western end. Arthur street was the continuation west and began a short distance north from Dundas. Today, Dundas curves north east of Bathurst to connect with the former Arthur Street.

Note the Painted Coca Cola  wall. This photo was taken within 15 years of the very first wall painted with a Coca Cola advertisement.

Queen and Ossington looking north October 23, 1958
Queen and Ossington looking north October 23, 1958
CCT-Lunatic Asylum 1867-sm
Provincial Lunatic Asylum on south side of Queens street at Ossington (originally Dundas Rd.) 1867.

Posted in Architecture, CCT Now and Then, Historical, Pop Culture, Postcards, Toronto | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

CCT’s Now and Then in Parkdale, Toronto

Here’s a photo I took this week of a great building on the north east corner of Queen Street West at Macdonell Avenue in Parkdale.

CCT-Toronto-Queen-Macdonell-2013 And here is the same corner from circa 1900. This photograph of the intersection of Queen Street West and Macdonell shows the above 1880’s building with it’s dome still intact.

CCT-ON-Toronto-Parkdale 190?

Posted in Architecture, CCT Now and Then, Historical, Ontario, Toronto | Tagged | Leave a comment

Canadians Are So Nice

Recently, I witnessed a true example of Canadian patience and diplomacy. I don’t know much about Councillor Josh Matlow but I sure know this: he knows how to keep it together. In a debate with the current Toronto Super-Mayor Rob “Subway” Ford over a subway extension, Ford argued staunchly that subways were way better than LRTs. As the debate progressed, Councillor Matlow began an investigation into whether Ford even knew what an LRT was.

Using his best Columbo skills, he managed to discover nothing. Because his mic was turned off and, like a noble manatee, Ford managed to swim back and forth away from the question. Ford did vaguely utter that an LRT was a Streetcar line like the St.Clair right-of-way. But while he never once acknowledged that he didn’t actually know what an LRT was, he did prove one thing:  Josh Matlow could keep his cool and refrained from running across the room and choke Rob “Bike Lane” Ford!

When the dust cleared, city council voted 28 – 16 in favour of the subway extension. I am confident that Doug Ford has explained to little brother what an LRT is by now so now he will be able to answer Josh Matlow confidently that and LRT is not like St.Clair, it is like Queen Street.

Here are some situations where politicians could have used some of Councillor Josh Matlow’s reserve.

Indian Parliament…

…And Jordan…

…And while this one in the States might not involve politicians, it’s still over a very important issue – Maple Syrup…


Posted in Canadian Celebrities, Current Events, Ontario, Politics, Rob Ford, Toronto | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Happy 146th Birthday Canada!

146 years ago, after some really crazy make-up sex, the French and English gave birth to a nation of the future.

Canada, you really are aging well. You don’t look a day over 126.

Canadian Culture Thing postcard CCT0073.
Animated Map of Canada – Canadian Culture Thing postcard CCT0073.
Posted in Alberta, British Columbia, Canada, Canadian Art, Canadian Wlidlife, Canadiana, Edmonton, Historical, Ontario, Ottawa, Postcards, Quebec, Toronto, Vancouver | Tagged | Leave a comment

Our Vacation in Ontario comic book

Here’s a very cool tourist giveaway comic book I found a short while ago. It was created, printed and published in Canada by G.W. Hogarth and the Division of Publicity, Department of Travel and Publicity, in authority with Baptist Johnston, Printer to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty (no pressure) Toronto, Ontario. There is no mention of artist although there could be a signature hiding in a panel somewhere and my guess is it was published circa 1952. If anyone has any additional information, please be sure to let me know.

Reproduced below is the entire comic book of Our Vacation in Ontario, cover to cover.

Posted in Architecture, Canadian Art, Canadian Wlidlife, Canadiana, Historical, Ontario, Toronto | Tagged , , , , , , , , , | 3 Comments