Category Archives: Entertainment

New CCT Postcards, Hot Off the Presses!

Hey everyone, here’s the latest from the Canadian Culture Thing postcard line…

CCT0115 - This photo was provided by the possessor of the alleged “Crack Video” that shows Toronto Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack in early 2013. Other than three corroborating reported viewings by twoToronto Star reporters and one from Gawker, the video has not yet surfaced. Though this photo is not taken from the video, it was allegedly taken during another “Ford crack run” and has become the symbolic image of the video
CCT0115 – This photo was provided by the possessor of the alleged “Crack Video” that shows Toronto Mayor Rob Ford smoking crack in early 2013. Other than three corroborating reported viewings by twoToronto Star reporters and one from Gawker, the video has not yet surfaced. Though this photo is not taken from the video, it was allegedly taken during another “Ford crack run” and has become the symbolic image of the video
CCT0116 – Cover of “Sport Fishing in British Columbia” booklet 1953. / Couverture de livret “pêche de sport en B.C.” 1953.
CCT0117 – Concert poster for the Beatles at Maple Leaf Gardens on August 17, 1966. Having performed in Canada in 1964 and 1965, this would be their last concert in Canada. / Concertez l’affiche pour le Beatles aux jardins de feuille d’érable le 17 août 1966. L’exécution au Canada en 1964 et 1965, ceci serait leur dernier concert au Canada.
CCT0118 - Former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien moves an anti-poverty protester out of his way in Hull, Quebec on Feb. 15, 1996. The Prime Minister’s chokehold became known as the Shawinigan Handshake after his home town. / L'ancien premier ministre Jean Chrétien déplace un protestataire combattant la pauvreté hors de sa voie dans la coque, Québec le 15 février 1996. Le chokehold du premier ministre est devenu notoire comme prise de contact de Shawinigan après sa ville natale.
CCT0118 – Former Prime Minister Jean Chrétien moves an anti-poverty protester out of his way in Hull, Quebec on Feb. 15, 1996. The Prime Minister’s chokehold became known as the Shawinigan Handshake after his home town. / L’ancien premier ministre Jean Chrétien déplace un protestataire combattant la pauvreté hors de sa voie dans la coque, Québec le 15 février 1996. Le chokehold du premier ministre est devenu notoire comme prise de contact de Shawinigan après sa ville natale.
CCT0119 – Northwest Mounties #2 comic book cover 1948.
CCT0120 – Animated Map of Canada c1953.
CCT0121 - The official Canadian Ensign Flag with the British Union Jack flag...and a beaver. c1934. / L'indicateur Canadien officiel d'insigne avec l'indicateur britannique d'Union Jack… et un castor. c1934.
CCT0121 – The official Canadian Ensign Flag with the British Union Jack flag…and a beaver. c1934. / L’indicateur Canadien officiel d’insigne avec l’indicateur britannique d’Union Jack… et un castor. c1934.
Cover of Girls’ Friend Library  Featuring The Shamed Wife, a compelling Novel of Canadian Life and Love. No. 387 May 4, 1933.
CCT0123 – Cover of Dominion of Canada Animated Atlas c1920. Newfoundland would not join Canada until 1949. / La couverture du dominion du Canada a animé l’atlas c1920. Newfoundland ne joindrait pas le Canada jusqu’en 1949.
CCT0124 - Looking east along College Street toward Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Ontario c1908. / Regard est le long de la rue d'université vers l'avenue de Spadina Toronto, Ontario c1908.
CCT0124 – Looking east along College Street toward Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Ontario c1908. / Regard est le long de la rue d’université vers l’avenue de Spadina Toronto, Ontario c1908.
CCT0125 - Looking south down Yonge Street toward Shuter Street Toronto, Ontario c1915. / Regard de la rue de Yonge de sud vers le bas vers la rue Toronto de Shuter, Ontario c1915.
CCT0125 – Looking south down Yonge Street toward Shuter Street Toronto, Ontario c1915. / Regard de la rue de Yonge de sud vers le bas vers la rue Toronto de Shuter, Ontario c1915.
A-CCT0126-ON-Toronto-Parkdale Toronto Postcard
CCT0126 – Looking east along Queen Street West toward at Macdonell Street Toronto, Ontario c1900. / Regarder est le long de la rue de la Reine occidentale vers la rue de Macdonell Toronto,Ontario c1900.
A-CCT0127-College and Palmerston c1909
Looking northwest toward College Street Baptist Church (built 1889) at College Street and Palmerston Boulevard (formerly Muter Street) Toronto, Ontario c1909. / Regarder du nord-ouest vers l’église baptiste de rue College (construite 1889) la rue College et le boulevard de Palmerston (autrefois rue de Muter) Toronto,Ontario c1909.
Large Letter Ottawa Postcard c1930

Posted in Architecture, British Columbia, Canada, Canadian Celebrities, Canadian Wlidlife, Canadiana, Current Events, Entertainment, Historical, Music, Ontario, Ottawa, Politics, Pop Culture, Postcards, Rob Ford, Sports, Television, Toronto | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Captain Canuck webisode #1

The first webisode of the new animated series featuring Canadian super-hero Captain Canuck has launched. Crowd-funded through Indiegogo, Captain Canuck features the voices of Kris Holden-Reid as Captain Canuck, Tatiana Maslany as Redcoat, our CCT friend the beautiful Laura Vandervoort as Bluefox (she’s a fox in any colour)and Paul Amos as Mister Gold. Created by our friend Richard Comely and Ron Leischman, Captain Canuck first appeared in print in 1975.

Cover of Captain Canuck #1 (1975) CCT0031
Cover of Captain Canuck #1 (1975) CCT0031


Posted in Canadian Art, Canadiana, Entertainment, Movies, Pop Culture, Postcards | Tagged , | 1 Comment

The K.D. Lang 2013 Canadian Music Hall of Fame Inductee speech at the Junos.


This year K.D. Lang was inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame and at the 2013 Juno Awards while circling Anne Murray, she addressed the audience with this patriotic speech:

“…I think the fact that I’m standing here receiving this award actually says more about Canada than it does about me. Because only in Canada could there be such a freak as K.D. Lang receiving this award. Only in Canada could there be people like Stompin’ Tom Connors and Rita MacNeil. So, I am here to tell you, my friends and countrymen, that it is OK to be you. It is OK to let your freak-flag fly and embrace the quirkmeister that’s inside all of us. And I’m not even just talking about artists, I’m talking every single person in this nation has the right to be themselves. Live life! Go team, go! I love you Canada. Thank you so much.”

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Argo and the Canadian Caper


Some History

The Iran Hostage Crisis began on November 4, 1979 (known in Iran as the Conquest of the American Spy Den). It was the result of a breakdown in diplomatic relations between Iran and the United States when a group of Islamic students and militants stormed the American embassy in Tehran and held 52 Americans hostage for 444 days. Described as an entanglement of “Vengeance and mutual incomprehension”, Iran saw the action as an acceptable response to the undermining influence the United States had been having on the Iranian Revolution. This American support of the recently overthrown Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi drew much ire from the revolutionaries. The Shah had been restored to power in a 1953 coup d’état organized by the C.I.A. at the American Embassy against a democratically elected nationalist Iranian government, led by the anti-Soviet and anti-British Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh. While the even most likely kept President Jimmy Carter from a second term, In Iran, the crisis strengthened the prestige of the Ayatollah Khomeini and the political power of those who supported theocracy. The U.S. Iran relationship would never recover.

Iran Hostage Crisis 1979- Hostages

The Muslim Student Followers of the Imam’s Line, the group responsible for the occupation of the embassy, had never intended to remain in the embassy for “more than a few hours” in order to announce their objections, and “to detain the diplomats for a few days, maybe a week, but no more” but with the growing support of hundreds of protestors outside the embassy showing their support for student’s occupation which made it impossible end their campaign.

Original poster for faux-film Argo
Original poster for faux-film Argo

While this primetime drama was unfolding (this is the Canadian Culture Thing, not the American or Iranian Culture Things) six American diplomats had evaded capture and escaped to the British embassy and then to the Canadian. From there they were hidden at the home of Canadian diplomat (and hero) John Sheardown under the protection of Canadian ambassador (and hero) Ken Taylor.

Ken Taylor Jan. 31, 1980
Ken Taylor outside the Canadian embassy on January 31, 1980.

Knowing that the Iranians could be closing in on them at any time, Ken Taylor began organizing and implementing a plan to repatriate the six Americans. In late 1979, the Canadian Government secretly issued an Order of Council allowing the government to issue Canadian passports to selected American citizens so they could escape Iran. Under the veil of a Canadian crew shooting a science-fiction film called “Argo”, Canadian diplomats managed to get two CIA agents, Tony Mendez an agent known only as “Julio”, and six American diplomats on board a Swissair flight to Zurich, Switzerland. The January 28, 1980 escape of Robert Anders, Cora Amburn-Lijek, Mark Lijek, Joseph Stafford, Kathleen Stafford and Lee Schatz from Tehran, Iran became known as the Canadian Caper.

Diplomat John Sheardown  hid the six American diplomats in his home in Tehran, Iran.
Diplomat John Sheardown hid the six American diplomats in his home in Tehran, Iran.

After several embarrassing failed U.S attempts to use force against Iran, the former Shah, a lynchpin in this event died. Immediately following the Shah’s death, Iraq invaded Iran and the pressure became too much and Iran began negotiations with the United States. After 444 days in captivity, the hostages were finally released into U.S. custody on January 20, 1981, a day after the signing of the formal release accord. This took place minutes after Jimmy Carter’s replacement: actor, politician, soldier, cowboy Ronald (Star Wars 1983 – not what you younger kids are thinking) Reagan was sworn into office. Referred to as “completely insane” by Prime-minister Pierre Trudeau, the people of Iran didn’t know how fortunate they were to have ended this international error-in-judgment when they did. Who can know what might have happened if the hostage release hadn’t been made and Bonzo’s Bedmate (1951) had a launch-key. Phew.

The account of the Americans absconding from Iran appeared as a Canadian-American co-production made-for-television movie cryptically called Escape from Iran: the Canadian Caper in 1981. But it wasn’t until master-thespian star of Daredevil and Gigli and now director/unhistorian Benjamin Geza Affleck decided to “make a movie” about the escape. Ben “Goebbels” Affleck believed that American audiences wouldn’t sit through a film where Canadians led and American followed. Instead of making Saving Private Ryan 2, this time it’s even less historical, he decided to mold history into a convenient bit of action-drama called Argo.

victor garber
Canadian Actor Victor Garber plays Ken Taylor the Canadian ambassador who rescues and eventually organizes the escape of six American diplomats. In the Film, Ken Taylor’s role is greatly diminished. When friends of Ken Taylor saw the film in Toronto and described it to Taylor, he expressed concern “that we’re portrayed as innkeepers waiting to be saved by the CIA.”

Argo is the fictional account of a team of American super-spies that save six hostages (and possibly the world) from the clutches of Iranian militants in Tehran. Directed by American actor (and side-show contortionist) Ben Affleck, Argo takes it’s viewers on a rollercoaster ride of excitement and intrigue while his Canadian viewers feel disappointment and anger as it boasts a make-believe tale of American ingenuity and heroism. When asked why he threw caution (and reality) into the wind, Affleck explained, “Canadians should rightly take pride in what they did for the six houseguests, the diplomats were heroic. That’s indisputable. But that part of the story had already been told. When you’re a filmmaker making a film based on a historical event, it’s your job to find a new way into a story.” Mr Affleck went on to say that “There would be a very compelling film that is primarily about the heroism of ambassador Taylor before Tony Mendez even hears about the crisis — and, in fact, that film already exists (1981’s ‘Escape From Iran: The Canadian Caper’ — starring Gordon Pinsent), we weren’t interested in remaking that film.”

The following is an excerpt from David Haglund’s Slate article on the inaccuracies of Argo:

Canada’s Involvement

The most disputed aspect of the movie’s version of events has to do with Canada’s role in the escape. 30 years ago, Canada received complete credit for the rescue, because the U.S. was worried about possible repercussions if CIA involvement was publicized. (They may also have wanted to maintain the plausibility of a similar ruse in future.) Argo corrects that version of events—or, rather, overcorrects it, downplaying the actual extent of Canadian involvement, which was considerable. The Americans were housed by two Canadians: the Ambassador Ken Taylor, and a Canadian embassy employee, John Sheardown. (In the film, all of them stay with Taylor; Sheardown does not appear at all.) It was Taylor who cabled Washington to begin the escape plan in earnest, and once the plan was decided on, Canadians “scouted the airport, sent people in and out of Iran to establish random patterns and get copies of entry and exit visas, bought three sets of airline tickets,” and “even coached the six in sounding Canadian.”

Almost none of that appears in Argo. Taylor himself has a major part, and is presented as a sympathetic and brave man who took great personal risks to save the Americans. But his actual role was even larger. He was “spying for the U.S. throughout the hostage crisis, at the request of Jimmy Carter.” After some friends who attended the Argo premiere in Toronto described it to Taylor, he expressed concern “that we’re portrayed as innkeepers who are waiting to be saved by the CIA,” which is a pretty fair description of what the film depicts. Affleck made a small change in response to this criticism: A postscript that contrasted Taylor’s 112 citations with the absence of credit given the CIA was rewritten to praise the Argo mission as a model of international cooperation.

Regarding the Escape

It’s not Canada’s involvement that has gotten the goat of some critics, though—it’s the pulse-pounding trip to the airport that serves as the movie’s climax. Affleck’s version involves every conceivable complication—each one of them, as it happens, invented purely to make the movie more exciting. (And it works! The finale is thrilling.) In the movie, the U.S. government reverses its approval of the plan at the last minute, meaning there may be no tickets waiting for the Americans when they arrive at the airport. In fact, the plane tickets were purchased ahead of time by the Canadians. Airport security guards stop the Americans in the film, leading to a tense and terrific scene in which one of the Americans makes the risky decision to speak Farsi with the guards, a daring move that pays off hugely. Actually, though, the trip through the airport was “smooth as silk,” as Mendez himself has written. Most improbably, the teams of carpet weavers that the Iranian government put to work repairing shredded documents (something they actually did!) piece together the face of one of the six Americans right as the group reaches the airport, and those carpet weavers relay the image to their higher-ups in time for armed men to chase down the departing airplane in a jeep and police cars. None of that happened. (David Haglund’s How accurate is Argo?)

Argo 5up
Five character posters from the 2012 film “Argo”. At the last minute, Victor Garber’s poster was cancelled.

Future Affleck Projects

Now that Ben Affleck star of Laurence of Arabia (oh, that’s right he wasn’t even born yet when that film was made. I guess it doesn’t matter) decided to be a director, Canadian Culture Thing has put together a few ideas for some future projects…

Jaws: In the Affleck remake of the 1975 classic film, characters Quint, Hooper and Brody decide that Jaws is too scary to fight and so decide to stay on land. The day is saved when actor/director Ben Affleck playing new character Agent Chip Bigweiner flies in on his attack helicopter and diving into the water punches Jaws to death. In the final scene he shows off his pizza-slice sized shark tooth necklace and winks at the camera. Pure gold.


World War II: It’s 1939 and Germany has just entered Poland. The United States springs into action telling the allied nations to “take the day off. We got this one!” Germany is defeated in 1939by the American war-machine led by Buck Bigweiner (Chip’s grandfather)! Later in 1939, the Americans receive intelligence reports from code name Pinocchio, preemptively attacking Japan. Having anticipated that Japan had WEAPONS OF MASS AFFLECKTION and were about to launch an attack on the U.S. they move in to “sort ‘em out”. A struggle ensues aboard the Japanese Bomber the Enola Red Sun between Buck Bigweiner and twelve Samurai Warriors. In a reckless (and vague) happenstance, the Japanese drop an Atomic Bomb on their own people…twice! Wah-Hoo, git ‘er done!

Baseball Hot Shots: A patriotic baseball team of misfits and ne’er-do-wells led by Dirk Bigweiner, replaces the Atlanta Braves and defeats the Toronto Blue Jays in the 1992 World Series. This will be a great set-up for Baseball Hot Shots II where, replacing the Philidelphia Phillies, retired Dirk Bigweiner is convinced to come out of retirement to lead his ramshackle team of has-bins, hoodlums and a woman pitcher, on to defeat the Toronto Blue Jays again in World Series 1993!

The Toronto Blue Jays defeat the Atlanta Braves in Game six of the 1992 World Series. It was the first time the World Series was won by a team outside of the United States.
The Toronto Blue Jays defeat the Atlanta Braves in Game six of the 1992 World Series. It was the first time the World Series was won by a team outside of the United States.
Blue Jays 1993
The Toronto Blue Jays defeat the Philidelphia Phillies in Game six of the 1993 World Series. It was the second time the World Series was won by a team outside of the United States.

Argo Lord of Light: If he has a time machine as he might actual have (or at least he’ll just say that he does), he could go back in time and re-film Argo as the science-fiction film used in the cover-story. The (other) fictional film Argo is based of the novel Lord of Light by author Roger Zelazny with a screenplay by Barry Geller and concept art by comic-book giant Jack “King” Kirby. If Mr. Affleck, inventor of electricity, decides to pass on this adaptation he could always, in a Lucasian move, simply insert additional CGI into his existing Argo. Tony Mendez becomes the Buddha-esque Sam Bigweiner, struggling against the established gods in Iran with the assistance of the mythical Canadians.

Jack Kirby-Lord of light-Argo Art-01 Edit Jack Kirby-Lord of light-Argo Art-02 edit

I’m in for 5% Trustworthy Ben. Remember, I loved Dogma.

Argo won for Best Picture at the 85th Academy Awards in 2013. Argo beat out such docu-drams as Life of Pi and Les Misérables and children’s favourites like Lincoln and Django Unchained. While I’m not saying that Argo is a bad film, it’s just a little disappointing. I totally plan on seeing it when it plays on TV

Posted in Canada, Canadian Celebrities, Canadiana, Current Events, Entertainment, Historical, Movies, Ottawa, Politics | Tagged , , , , | 2 Comments

The Day the Stompin’ Stopped


CCT-Stompin Tom Connors 2

Peterborough, ON (March 6, 2013)  Today Canada lost one of its’ true musical icons with the passing of Stompin’ Tom Connors O.C.,LL.D.,Litt.D.   Connors died of natural causes at his home in Ontario.  He was 77 years of age.

Stompin’ Tom literally put Canada on the map with such songs as  “The Hockey Song”, “Sudbury Saturday Night”, “Bud The Spud”, “Tillsonburg”, “Big Joe Mufferaw” and countless others.

Born Thomas Charles Connors in Saint John New Brunswick on February 9th 1936, he was separated from his mother at a  young age and raised by foster parents in Skinners Pond,  P.E.I. until he was 13 years old.  His life of poverty, orphanages, hitchhiking and playing bars would eventually turn into a life of hit songs, national concert tours and fame in spite of a constant uphill battle to be recognized by the music industry in Canada.  In 1979 in a fit of frustration and disappointment he returned all 6 of his Juno awards as a statement of personal protest against the Americanization of the Canadian Music Industry, a sentiment he continued to express to this day. In 1989 Tom signed with EMI Music Canada, teamed up with talent promoter Brian Edwards and returned to the stage where fans young and old embraced his music once again as he quickly became one of the biggest concert draws and sought after performers in the country.

Due to the unwavering love for promoting his home country, some of the many accolades he has received include becoming an Officer of the Order of Canada, his own Canadian postage stamp, he was invited by the Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson to receive the Governor Generals Performing Arts Award, he was the recipient of both the Queens Gold and Diamond Jubilee Medals and he earned 3 honorary doctorate degrees (Saint Thomas University in Saint John New Brunswick; “Laws”, University of Toronto; “Laws”, and the University of P.E.I.; “Letters”).

He now has an astounding 61 recorded albums, 10 of which have yet to be released to the public.  His songs will continue to be made available worldwide and remain a legacy to his career, his life and his beloved country.

Tom is survived by his wife Lena, 2 sons, 2 daughters and several grandchildren.

The Celebration of Tom’s life is being planned for Wednesday, March 13th in Peterborough, ON at 7pm at the Peterborough Memorial Centre and per his request, will be open to the public.

In lieu of flowers, the Connors family has asked that donations be made to your local food bank or homeless shelters, in memory of Stompin’ Tom.

CCT-Stompin Tom Connors

His family released a message from Tom that he wanted passed along to all of his fans upon his death:

“Hello friends, I want all my fans, past, present, or future, to know that without you, there would have not been any Stompin’ Tom.”

“It was a long hard bumpy road, but this great country kept me inspired with it’s beauty, character, and spirit, driving me to keep marching on and devoted to sing about its people and places that make Canada the greatest country in the world.”

“I must now pass the torch, to all of you, to help keep the Maple Leaf flying high, and be the Patriot Canada needs now and in the future.”

“I humbly thank you all, one last time, for allowing me in your homes, I hope I continue to bring a little bit of cheer into your lives from the work I have done.”


Your Friend always,

Stompin’ Tom Connors

Canadian Culture Thing wishes Stompin’ Tom’s family our sincerest condolences at this unfortunate time.

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