Author Archives: Chadwick Gendron

Canadians Are So Nice

Recently, I witnessed a true example of Canadian patience and diplomacy. I don’t know much about Councillor Josh Matlow but I sure know this: he knows how to keep it together. In a debate with the current Toronto Super-Mayor Rob “Subway” Ford over a subway extension, Ford argued staunchly that subways were way better than LRTs. As the debate progressed, Councillor Matlow began an investigation into whether Ford even knew what an LRT was.

Using his best Columbo skills, he managed to discover nothing. Because his mic was turned off and, like a noble manatee, Ford managed to swim back and forth away from the question. Ford did vaguely utter that an LRT was a Streetcar line like the St.Clair right-of-way. But while he never once acknowledged that he didn’t actually know what an LRT was, he did prove one thing:  Josh Matlow could keep his cool and refrained from running across the room and choke Rob “Bike Lane” Ford!

When the dust cleared, city council voted 28 – 16 in favour of the subway extension. I am confident that Doug Ford has explained to little brother what an LRT is by now so now he will be able to answer Josh Matlow confidently that and LRT is not like St.Clair, it is like Queen Street.

Here are some situations where politicians could have used some of Councillor Josh Matlow’s reserve.

Indian Parliament…

…And Jordan…

…And while this one in the States might not involve politicians, it’s still over a very important issue – Maple Syrup…


Posted in Canadian Celebrities, Current Events, Ontario, Politics, Rob Ford, Toronto | Tagged , | Leave a comment

Calgary Stampede is Off and Running…

After one helluva pre-show event, the Calgary Stampede lifted off yesterday with some help from Astronaut Chris Hadfield. Hoping to put the devastation of flooding, evacuations and the loss of life behind it, the city is putting on it’s big white hat and  celebrates the 2013 Calgary Stampede. Let’s stand up with our fellow Canadians and tip our hats to those in Southern Alberta.

A fun image from the Canadian Culture Thing archives. This is the cover of a 1967 postcard booklet.
A fun image from the Canadian Culture Thing archives. This is the cover of a 1967 postcard booklet.


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Captain Canuck webisode #1

The first webisode of the new animated series featuring Canadian super-hero Captain Canuck has launched. Crowd-funded through Indiegogo, Captain Canuck features the voices of Kris Holden-Reid as Captain Canuck, Tatiana Maslany as Redcoat, our CCT friend the beautiful Laura Vandervoort as Bluefox (she’s a fox in any colour)and Paul Amos as Mister Gold. Created by our friend Richard Comely and Ron Leischman, Captain Canuck first appeared in print in 1975.

Cover of Captain Canuck #1 (1975) CCT0031
Cover of Captain Canuck #1 (1975) CCT0031


Posted in Canadian Art, Canadiana, Entertainment, Movies, Pop Culture, Postcards | Tagged , | 1 Comment

Happy 146th Birthday Canada!

146 years ago, after some really crazy make-up sex, the French and English gave birth to a nation of the future.

Canada, you really are aging well. You don’t look a day over 126.

Canadian Culture Thing postcard CCT0073.
Animated Map of Canada – Canadian Culture Thing postcard CCT0073.
Posted in Alberta, British Columbia, Canada, Canadian Art, Canadian Wlidlife, Canadiana, Edmonton, Historical, Ontario, Ottawa, Postcards, Quebec, Toronto, Vancouver | Tagged | Leave a comment

The K.D. Lang 2013 Canadian Music Hall of Fame Inductee speech at the Junos.


This year K.D. Lang was inducted into the Canadian Music Hall of Fame and at the 2013 Juno Awards while circling Anne Murray, she addressed the audience with this patriotic speech:

“…I think the fact that I’m standing here receiving this award actually says more about Canada than it does about me. Because only in Canada could there be such a freak as K.D. Lang receiving this award. Only in Canada could there be people like Stompin’ Tom Connors and Rita MacNeil. So, I am here to tell you, my friends and countrymen, that it is OK to be you. It is OK to let your freak-flag fly and embrace the quirkmeister that’s inside all of us. And I’m not even just talking about artists, I’m talking every single person in this nation has the right to be themselves. Live life! Go team, go! I love you Canada. Thank you so much.”

Posted in Alberta, Canadian Celebrities, Current Events, Entertainment, Music, Pop Culture | Tagged , , | Leave a comment