Can you guess where this is?

A-CCT-ON-Toronto-pictures-r-4112-University from Queen 1880 (Crop)
University Avenue, looking north from Queen Street West. At the time of this picture, University Avenue was called College Avenue and was the picturesque entrance to U of T (1849) and it’s former namesake King’s College (1827). the Ontario Legislative Building at Queen’s Park (1893) would begin construction in 1886. The name would change in the first years of the 20th century. Toronto, Ontario 1880.

Here’s a hint. You’re looking north up one of Toronto’s main arteries…

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William Hunter
10 years ago

You’re looking up good old College Ave. in that shot. Wait, don’t you mean College St.? No, I don’t. College Ave. is what they called University Ave. back in the day, when we all wore onions on our belts, as that was the style at the time.