Superman the SuperCanuck!
Joe Shuster was a Canadian comic book artist who co-created Superman for DC Comics, with writer Jerry Siegel. Superman first appeared in Action Comics #1 in June of 1938 and then made his second appearance in Superman #1.
![Action cover 1](
![Joe Shuster](
Think of just how Canadian Superman is.
- He immigrated to Earth and was welcomed.
- His alter-ego is very polite.
- Metropolis is Metropolitan Toronto.
- He works at the Daily Planet which is the Daily Star (Today the Toronto Star).
- His girlfriend is a Female star reporter which would be far more likely in Canada in the 1930’s who was considerably more progressive.
- Also, Superman’s weakness for the Kryptonite is similar to Margaret Trudeau’s weakness for Rolling Stones.
![joe-shuster, comic table](
Posted in Canada, Canadian Celebrities, Canadian Literature, Canadiana, Historical, Television
Tagged Joe Shuster, Superman
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