Canadian Superhero Deadpool Apologizes to David Beckham
Once again Ryan Reynolds, Canada’s sweetheart brings some more Deadpool laughs and manages to still represent Canada. Check out his soccer jersey.
Once again Ryan Reynolds, Canada’s sweetheart brings some more Deadpool laughs and manages to still represent Canada. Check out his soccer jersey.
Donald Trump learned the meaning of the word Strong in True, North, Strong and Free at the hands of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau when they met in Washington yesterday. Donald Trump’s handshake technique, meant to show his dominance by pulling his co-shakee off balance, failed to achieve its goal with our masterful Mr. Trudeau. Trudeau was prepared for this tactic and met the Donald as the master in each of hisĀ attempts.
This was good but I think it would have been funnier if the taller Justin had offered a high-five. Donald Trump would have been there, red-faced and jumping with his little hand flailing in the air trying to make contact. Oh, good times.
I hope they don’t declare war on us now.