Author Archives: Chadwick Gendron

Canadian 2014 Olympic Score: Final


We made enough for a 6-pack of the good stuff!

What an incredible Olympics we had! Team Canada’s wrap up to complete our Hockey lock-out was exciting and worth the 7AM wake-up. I love the fact that we own Hockey and Curling, as we should. Next Olympics we should repeat this but own Snow-Boarding as well. There you have it.

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Canadian 2014 Olympic Score: Day 2


Day 2:

A bit of a quiet day for Canada unless drug-testing is now an Olympic sport! It seems that Canada is being targeted for excessive drug-testing. It seems it’s becoming a common misconception that everyone in Canada smokes crack! It’s sad that crackaletes like Rob Ford make it look so acceptable. Hey Olympic committee, it’s only the Toronto sortof-mayor, OK? But just to be safe, don’t check the snowboarders bags.

On the brighter side, the shiny like silver side that is, Canada picks up another medal. Canada earned a silver medal in team figure skating. Kaetlyn Osmond, Patrick Chan, Kevin Reynolds, Meagan Duhamel, Eric Radford, Kirsten Moore-Towers, Dylan Moscovitch, Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir won silver medals in the new Team Figure Skating competition but if the rumours are true about corrupt judges from Russia and the U.S. they might get an upgrade…aw, who am I kidding the judges are always suspect and nothing ever comes of it and besides, that little Russian kid was pretty awesome!

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Merry Christmas Everyone!

Here’s an awesome Christmas Card from the Toronto Star. It’s probably from the 50’s or early 60’s and was probably given out by delivery boys.

Toronto Star Paper-Boy Christmas Card c1960.
Toronto Star Paper-Boy Christmas Card c1960. This little gem is signed by a Raymond Smith.

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