Today, our beloved Canadian flag turns 50 years old. It’s modern design and simple colour scheme draws a sense of adoration from the global community, as a symbol of peacefulness and politeness (I might self-righteously say). So how should be celebrate that notable birthday?
- Maybe you could just stare lovingly at the red and white and thank it for health-care, peace-keeping and the Underground Railroad.
- Maybe you could thank it for the invention of Basketball (Thanks Mr. James Naismith) and Hockey (you heard me!)
- Maybe you could watch a Rachel McAdams movie while listening to “Rude” by Magic (’cause it’s just so elfin’ good!)
- You could practice drawing it.
- Maybe you can read a Roberson Davies or Margaret Atwood book.
- Maybe some of you still recovering from a night of romance and debauchery from Valentines Day might want to wrap yourselves in a flag while watching some Battlestar Galactica on DVD…
…Or, maybe you could take a note from one of our fearless leaders, who celebrated this way back in 1996…

Ah, good times, eh?!